Everyone is welcome to attend the Church!
Since 1920, we have been established as the first spiritualist church in Calgary. We offer an array of events and benefits for you to participate in.
Associate Members have access to:
Reduced costs for some events and courses such as our leading Ethical and Evidential Mediumship programs
Access to the Church libraries
Volunteer at various events to assist in your organizational skills
Full Members can:
Be eligible to become a Church Medium and Minister upon meeting the required standards
Serve as a Church Spiritual Healer with the requisite training
Serve on the Church Board or Committees
Serve as facilitators on events
Associate members enjoy the same rights as Full members, except they do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and on church affairs.
A membership is not required to attend weekly services, public events and fundraisers or take courses and events. However, if you would like to join our community of like-minded people, have a say in the running of the Church, and receive our member benefits such as special pricing, you are welcome to apply for a membership!
Applications for new Associate and Full memberships are subject to approval by the Church Board of Directors, and you require nomination by two current Church members. Once approved, you officially become part of our vibrant community.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is the first step to becoming a Full Member of CFSC. Associate memberships are issued for a period of 12 months to allow individuals to get acquainted with the Church and take the Orientation in Modern Spiritualism class, which is a requirement for Full membership.​ For more information, you can speak to the Chairperson or the Membership Coordinator at a service or event, or email us at: membership@calgaryfirstspiritualistchurch.ca
Payment Options
Calgary First Spiritualist Church is committed to providing accessible and convenient payment options for our clients. We offer payments via e-Transfer and credit card to ensure ease of use.
Payment Through e-Transfers
​Interac e-Transfer is a simple, convenient and secure way to send your payment by way of your online bank account to Calgary First Spritiualist Church. If you wish to e-Transfer a payment to our spiritual church, please use the email address info@calgaryfirstspiritualistchurch.ca
How-To: Send money with Interac e-Transfer
Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account.
Choose or add your recipient’s email: info@calgaryfirstspiritualistchurch.ca
Enter the amount (CFSC has registered for Interac e-Transfer® autodeposit,
so there is no need for the security question).
Membership Fees
Associate Membership Fee e-Transfer $25.00
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $26.03
Full Membership Fee e-Transfer $35.00
​Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $36.32