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There is a unified field of energy that connects all things. This field may be known by many different names depending upon one’s religious orientation – God, Allah, Brahman, Spirit, The Tao, The One, Supreme or Divine Power. All creatures and things are dependent upon the creative energy of this field. At times though, this flow of energy in our body becomes inhibited - not from the Source, but because of the blocks created in us by stress, negative attitudes, traumas, etc. This is where a Spiritual Healer can be of help, by channeling the Universal Energy from the Divine Source to heal the body, mind and spirit of the recipient. This requires dedication from the healer, a non-judgemental way of being and an all-encompassing love for humanity. 


Typically, a spiritual healing session takes a few minutes of scanning and balancing the body.  At our ASHA service distant healing for friends and family is also included with positive results. To further enhance the quality of the healing, meditative music with specific frequencies is played in the background.


ASHA is the acronym for the Association of Spiritual Healers of Alberta. It is a NON-PROFIT organization of Spiritual Healers, trained to follow a protocol in offering healing to willing recipients. The ASHA Hands-On Healing Course starts in the fall of each year, and takes the student from the basics of energy healing and the chakra system to the possible causes of ill health, to emotional healing, to self-healing, to working with animals, plants and the planet, to distant healing  and to many more fascinating topics. This powerful course ends with a year of practicum, followed by an exam, and a Hands On Healing demonstration of the ASHA healing protocol.


For class specific information please check out

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