Calgary First Spiritualist Church is committed to providing accessible and convenient payment options for our clients. We offer payments via e-Transfer and credit card to ensure ease of use.
e-Transfers: payment and donation
By way of your online banking web-page, you can send your e-transfer donation using our email. No processing fee will be deducted from your donation.
Donate Through eTransfers
​Interac e-Transfer is a simple, convenient and secure way to send a donation directly from your online bank account to Calgary First Spritiualist Church. If you wish to e-Transfer a donation/payment to our spiritual church, please use the email address info@calgaryfirstspiritualistchurch.ca to send your donation.
How-To: Send money with Interac e-Transfer
Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account.
Choose or add your recipient’s email: info@calgaryfirstspiritualistchurch.ca
Enter the amount (CFSC has registered for Interac e-Transfer® autodeposit,
so there is no need for the security question).
Please note that a fee will be applied to credit card transactions. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call or email admin@calgaryfirstspiritualistchurch.ca.
Weekly Services - Donations (Note donations under $25 will not receive a tax receipt.)
Donation Options:
Free-will donation gratefully received at door or e-Transfer
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing will be removed from your donation amount for CFSC.
ASHA Monday Healing Mondays 7:30 - 8:30 PM
Free-will donation gratefully received at door or on-line
e-Transfer use: acctsasha7@gmail.com
Ongoing Groups
Drop In Mediumship Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30 PM $10.00
At door or e-Transfer
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $10.59
Drop In Meditation Friday 7:00 - 8:30 PM $15.00
At door or e-Transfer
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $15.74
Advanced Healing ​ Drop In Saturday 9:45 AM to 10:50 AM $10.00
At door or e-Transfer
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $10.59​
Mediumship Development Classes - by invitation only
Beginners Mediumship Class by Invitation only
Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Intermediate/Advanced Mediumship Class by Invitation only
Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 PM
$45.00/month e-Transfer
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $46.60/month
$135.00/course e-Transfer
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $139.22/Course
Membership Fees
Associate Membership Fee e-Transfer $25.00
Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $26.03
Full Membership Fee e-Transfer $35.00
​Credit Card Payment: 2.9% + .30 processing fee included $36.32