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Benn Cheong - ACIM Leader

Benn Cheong has been facilitating ACIM group for over ten years. He began in a SW Calgary location where the meeting space was becoming more crowded as the attendance grew. A perfect solution presented itself. Benn agreed to relocate his group to CFSC in 2017. 


Benn grew up in Singapore, spending over 40 years in a part of the world that is a potpourri of spiritual practices that included Paganism, Chinese Buddhism, Islam, Tamil Hinduism and Christianity. Just about every street had a mosque, temple or church and even shrines under trees. He dutifully followed the prescribed spiritual practices as set by his family, mainly in Chinese Buddhism and Christianity, of which he was once a student. Being immersed in that world with neighbours of various religious practices, he didn’t think much of it at the time. But Benn also admits that he ‘didn’t really get it.’ In short, it was the way of monkey see, monkey do and his monkey eventually went on a different path otherwise known as life. 


Several years ago, after a self-implosion, an awakening occurred and he started on the path to various esoteric practices including being a professional psychic reader, a Reiki master, a developing medium, and past life healer, all which eventually helped prepare him for the divine connection with ACIM and God. He initially ignored the course because it was too ‘Bible-like’. But its peripheral works kept calling him back until events provided the impetus to start the Course itself, which has shown him what it really means to connect with God. He has discovered that he is going to be a student for life and facilitating an ACIM group is his way of giving back to the community. Ben holds a Master’s in Business Administration, is certified through Louise Hays' program as a Heal Your Life Coach and is also a certified Grief Recovery Specialist. Currently, he has a day job as a financial analyst and devotes his spare time to spiritual and wilderness-outdoor pursuits.

Benn Cheong
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